• Fitness

    My First Leap into the World of Spartan Races

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Last summer I marked a pivotal chapter in my fitness journey: my inaugural Spartan Race. But what exactly is a Spartan Race? It’s a series of obstacle races of varying distance and difficulty, ranging from 3 miles to marathon distances. They are known for their physically demanding obstacles that test not just your running ability but your overall body strength, agility, and endurance. Here is a highlight video I shot via GoPro headstrap during the event. Understanding the Spartan Race A Spartan Race is more than just a run. It’s a battleground set up with numerous obstacles, each designed to push participants to their physical and…

  • Brain,  Gut

    Cultivating Resilience and Inner Peace with Diet and Mindset: A Holistic Approach

    Reading Time: 10 minutes In today’s fast-paced world, finding inner peace and maintaining resilience has become more challenging than ever. However, a holistic approach that combines nutrition, mindset, and emotional regulation can help us navigate these turbulent times . In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the relation of nutrition and mindset to mental health, the effects of modern lifestyle, and how you can create your own personalized plan to maintain or improve your mental well-being. Relation of Diet and Mindset to Mental Well-Being Before we dive into the details, let us clear what does “diet” actually mean. Diet: We do not “go on a diet” or “start a diet”,…

  • Fitness

    Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Truth

    Reading Time: 6 minutes In today’s health-conscious world, pe­ople have deve­loped a significant interest in chole­sterol and its impact on our well-being. We­ often hear about the importance­ of maintaining healthy cholesterol le­vels and the risks associated with high le­vels. But what exactly is choleste­rol? And why does it matter to us? In this comprehe­nsive guide, we will de­lve into the complexitie­s of cholesterol, its vital role in our bodie­s, the various types of choleste­rol, and the factors that can influence our le­vels.  The goal of this article (and this blog) is to expand your understanding of such topics and empower you, the reader, with information, knowledge, tools, and strategies…

  • Brain,  Fitness,  Gut,  Sleep,  Soul

    Stress 101

    Reading Time: 15 minutes In this article, we explore the realm of stress, diving deep into the physiology of stress response, its effects on the mind and body, the specific effect of stress on women’s health, and some practical ways to not just handle, but be resilient and grow stronger in this never-ending modern era filled with stressors. Word of caution: Do not get stressed by the sheer amount of information shared in this article 🙂 I personally deem all the information highly crucial in this era.  To get the best out of it, make sure you bookmark this post, and return to it periodically, reading one block at a…

  • Brain,  Gut

    Gluten: Friend or Foe?

    Reading Time: 4 minutes “Gluten-Free” is a common term we all keep hearing these days. In this article, we explore what is gluten and what are the problems associated with it. What is Gluten “Gluten” is a protein found mainly in grains (such as wheat, rye, and barley). It acts as a glue that holds the food together. Problems associated with gluten Dr. Tom’o Brian who has 30 years of experience researching celiac disease and gluten sensitivity explains that the human body cannot digest gluten completely. The digestive enzyme “Proteases” in our body helps with the breakdown of gluten, however, it cannot break down gluten completely. Our intestines are lined…

  • Fitness

    Minimum Exercise for Maximum Life

    Reading Time: 9 minutes In this article, we are going to cover: What is exercise. What can happen to the human body when not enough physical activity or exercise is provided. What is the minimum amount of exercise with minimal equipment (even at home) one can do to achieve optimum health while increase longevity. How to incorporate minimal exercise into a busy routine. You will walk away from this article with an exercise schedule that does not require you to buy expensive equipment nor requires you to spend oodles of hours in the gym, while still developing/maintaining a certain level of strength and fitness to live a long happy life,…

  • Brain,  Fitness

    Hormone Disruption

    Reading Time: 8 minutes Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers that travel around the body telling organs and tissues what to do. They control major bodily processes such as metabolism and reproduction. For instance, “Cortisol” helps control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, helps reduce inflammation and assist with memory formation. “Testosterone” is associated with sex drive and plays a vital role in sperm production, affects bone and muscle mass, fat storage, and red blood cell production. When an imbalance of these hormones occurs, such as production of certain hormones at the wrong time or in amount more or less than it should be, problems such as decrease in growth and…

  • Fitness

    Why do we get fat?

    Reading Time: 8 minutes Welcome to The Responsible Human, where we believe that your health is your first responsibility. We will cover why being overweight/obese is a problem at all, how to calculate your BMI, what is the importance of Fat, what happens inside the body when we eat food, why does our body store fat in excess, and what scientific literature can we use to get rid of the excess weight. Before beginning, please note: “This website does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.” Let’s begin. Why is being overweight/obese a problem…

  • Brain,  Fitness,  Gut,  Uncategorized

    Why do we eat and how to do it right? – PART III

    Reading Time: 9 minutes Welcome back! or maybe just welcome if you are here for the first time. In the final part of the series “Why do we eat and how to do it right?”, we will learn about Protein, its functions in the human body, optimal sources of protein, how much do we need, and finally how the food we eat affects our mood. We will end with the series takeaway message. So let’s dive right into it! Protein as a Macronutrient Protein provides 4 calories per gram and is composed of “amino acids”. Amino Acids are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, and are…

  • Brain,  Fitness,  Gut

    Why do we eat and how to do it right? – PART II

    Reading Time: 6 minutes In this article, we will look at the functions of Fat as a macronutrient, types of Fat and which types of fat to be careful about, and which to opt for. Before we dive into Fat, let us clear one term that will get repeated a lot. Inflammation 🔥 Inflammation is our body’s natural response to protect itself from harm. When we get cut, for example, our immune system dispatches an army of white blood cells to surround and protect the damaged area, which also results in redness and swelling. That is acute inflammation. That is a good thing. Chronic (slow and long-term) inflammation, on the…